5 Reasons You Need Outdoor Security Lighting for Your Property

by | Feb 7, 2019 | Lighting, Safety

In a recent study conducted in part by the New York City Police Department, it was found that having outdoor lighting significantly reduced the likelihood of crime by around 39%.

The question is, how well lit is your property’s exterior?

If you’re ready to increase not only the visual aesthetic and charm but the safety of your property, read on for 5 reasons outdoor security lighting can benefit you.

1. Functionality

At the risk of stating the obvious, having outdoor lighting makes it easier to see! If you enjoy hosting barbecues, pool parties, or simply like to see your pathway when getting home from work, outdoor security lighting is a must-have.

For personal safety reasons, lights along your walkways or banisters prevent falls or missteps that could result in injury. Especially if you have young children or elderly individuals frequenting your property, it’s wise to have your footpaths lit as well as entryways.

You may consider adding some ambiance to your patio with well placed outdoor lighting. Lighting above grills or tool sheds is helpful and adds functionality as well as beauty to your exteriors.

2. Security Against Crime

Consider things from the perspective of a potential burglar. Are you more apt to try and break into a home with doors, windows, and locks lit up? Or, would you prefer a home sitting in the dark where pedestrians and neighbors cannot see you?

Easy answer. No burglar likes a well-lit home.

Outside security lighting such as sensors protects your home from intruders. Get really fancy and have timers installed to turn your outdoor lights on and off while you are away.

Some timer-controlled outdoor lights even allow you to turn them on at irregular intervals. This prevents burglars from targeting your home as they are thrown off by the changes in lighting.

3. Improve Property Value

Outdoor lighting is especially useful if you are looking to sell. It sends a message to potential buyers that the home or property is well cared for and maintained.

It also creates a more welcoming feel to visitors. Lighting can be placed to strategically highlight strengths of your home and yard like that lovely aspen tree out front or your cute shutters.

Wherever you place your outdoor lighting, it is sure to bump the resale value of your property.

4. Keep Away the Critters

Another little-thought-of security aspect of outdoor lighting is how it deters unwanted animal visitors.

Deer and rabbits are far less likely to attack your flower garden if they’d have to do so in a spotlight.

5. Mental Comfort

Having your property well lit provides peace of mind when grandma is coming to visit and you know she can see the steps leading to your door.

It provides comfort while you’re away on vacation, knowing that your home’s lights will go on promptly after dark. Outdoor security lighting gives a peace of mind that’s hard to put a price tag on.

Questions About Outdoor Security Lighting

If you’re looking to add some functionality and beauty to your property exteriors, outdoor security lighting is the right way to go.

Check out our blog post on 5 common residential electric problems so you can avoid them before getting your lights installed. Happy lighting!
